To schedule a funeral, first contact the funeral home of your choice. Second, please call our parish office at 940-686-2088. For assistance in funeral preparation, reading/hymn selection, or planning a luncheon, please contact our Funeral Coordinator, Nancy Dechaud, at 214-537-2490. A funeral Mass, burial service, or luncheon at Saint Thomas Aquinas cannot be scheduled without working with the parish's funeral coordinator and our office. If you would like to pre-plan a funeral, please contact the Funeral Coordinator.
Funeral Services:
To obtain a plot in the parish cemetery or learn more about the cemetery, please call the office or contact the cemetery coordinator, Dennis Duesman, at 972-989-0814.
"All babies, no matter how small, deserve to have their lives honored by being laid to rest with dignity." The Little Souls at Rest ministry helps "provide burial resources following the loss of a baby up to 20 weeks of pregnancy." For more information, please visit their website.